Thursday, July 18, 2013


Tomorrow, we begin a three game home series against the Phillies. We haven't done very well against the Phillies, posting a 1-5 record against them this year so far. The Phillies have also shown signs of life that they didn't have when they were beating us earlier.

For those not in the know, I'm talking about the Mets. The Mets are my favorite baseball team, so it only seems right to treat myself as part of the Mets as a whole. It is a sports fan staple to refer to your favorite team like you're a part of it, using the royal we and all.

And I hate it.

Sorry sports fans, but I feel you can't refer to your favorite team as "we" or "us." Try and follow me here, but unless you are currently playing for your favorite team, own it, or work in the front office, "we" is off the books. You are directly tied to the franchise in those instances. "We" is therefore acceptable. When you're paying for a ticket or watching them on TV, you're playing a vital role for the team, but that isn't the same as being a part of it.

David Wright isn't your bro. You don't have drinks with Marlon Byrd. Matt Harvey doesn't ask you for tips on his slider. They will sign your autographs and shake your hand, but you're not batting behind them.

If you used to play for a team and are currently associated with them, use "we" until the cows come home. If you used to play for a team but aren't currently associated with them, no "we" for you. Sorry Emmitt Smith, but you haven't played for or done anything with the Cowboys in a decade. So cut out the "we" bullshit.

I mean, this is America, and short of yelling "fire" in a public place, you can say and talk however you want. But have some decency, please!

Now if you're a member of the Wilpon family... you've got way more problems than what the proper identification of your team is.

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